News Google analytics admin interface

The Google analytics admin interface has changed dramatically starting from when you first log in the new admin area it will display a list of all accounts that you have access to.
This fascinating layout of all accounts is innovative and very helpful. I believe that will greatly impact the way you work by saving time and generate reports quickly and if you’re an agency, or a large company, you probably have access to multiple google analytics accounts so this is a great improvement. The new layout makes it easy to identify performance metrics at the account level.

The new key metric layouts are:

* Visits
* Time on Site
* Bounce Rate
* Completed Goals

One single feature in fact does a date comparison. If you choose one of the above bulleted metrics using the drop down at the top of the column and a simple date range using the buttons at the top right corner of the screen to determine how said metric has changed over the past day, week, month or year.

What is a Motion Chart? How do I use it?

A Motion Chart takes your Analytics graphs one step further by offering multi-dimensional analysis of all your metrics for a given report. Plotting your data into four different dimensions can help you spot unique opportunities or anomalies faster and easier.

To begin using your Motion Chart, please follow these steps:

1. Click the “Visualize” icon from any report that has a table displaying segmented data (you can always revert to the traditional graphs in your Analytics Reports by selecting a particular report from the lefthand side menu). For this example, let’s use the Keyword Report.
2. Once the Motion Chart loads, you’ll see an array of bubbles. Each bubble represents a different keyword from your report.

3. Now select the four different dimensions to plot your data: X-axis, Y-axis, Color, Size. Click on each control to see a menu of metrics you can select from. Once you select all four, point your mouse over any bubble to see the numeric value for each of them.

4. Press “Play” at the bottom of your chart to see how your keywords perform over time. If you click on a bubble and check the “Trails” box underneath the Size control, you can map out the bubble’s movement over time. ( Google analytics blog)

I had no problem with the older version at all and I like using both interface as long as the data is broken down to the core metric. The old interface allowed me to see progressive revisions of my statistics all over the day as an alternative of having to wait until the end of the day. It looks like the conversion tracking is much easier in the old version. Overall a great upgrade from the older version and we are looking forward to seeing more of google updates.

News Google analytics admin interface

The Google analytics admin interface has changed dramatically starting from when you first log in the new admin area it will display a list of all accounts that you have access to.
This fascinating layout of all accounts is innovative and very helpful. I believe that will greatly impact the way you work by saving time and generate reports quickly and if you’re an agency, or a large company, you probably have access to multiple google analytics accounts so this is a great improvement. The new layout makes it easy to identify performance metrics at the account level.

The new key metric layouts are:

* Visits
* Time on Site
* Bounce Rate
* Completed Goals

One single feature in fact does a date comparison. If you choose one of the above bulleted metrics using the drop down at the top of the column and a simple date range using the buttons at the top right corner of the screen to determine how said metric has changed over the past day, week, month or year.

What is a Motion Chart? How do I use it?

A Motion Chart takes your Analytics graphs one step further by offering multi-dimensional analysis of all your metrics for a given report. Plotting your data into four different dimensions can help you spot unique opportunities or anomalies faster and easier.

To begin using your Motion Chart, please follow these steps:

1. Click the “Visualize” icon from any report that has a table displaying segmented data (you can always revert to the traditional graphs in your Analytics Reports by selecting a particular report from the lefthand side menu). For this example, let’s use the Keyword Report.
2. Once the Motion Chart loads, you’ll see an array of bubbles. Each bubble represents a different keyword from your report.

3. Now select the four different dimensions to plot your data: X-axis, Y-axis, Color, Size. Click on each control to see a menu of metrics you can select from. Once you select all four, point your mouse over any bubble to see the numeric value for each of them.

4. Press “Play” at the bottom of your chart to see how your keywords perform over time. If you click on a bubble and check the “Trails” box underneath the Size control, you can map out the bubble’s movement over time. ( Google analytics blog)

I had no problem with the older version at all and I like using both interface as long as the data is broken down to the core metric. The old interface allowed me to see progressive revisions of my statistics all over the day as an alternative of having to wait until the end of the day. It looks like the conversion tracking is much easier in the old version. Overall a great upgrade from the older version and we are looking forward to seeing more of google updates.

Corporate Press release optimization

How to write and publish corporate press releases and blog optimization marketing to gain the real benefits that may arise from online marketing,. Whoever is familiar with online marketing probably has read many times statements such as’ content is king ‘, or, sometimes it is unbeaten in suggestions such as: it is important to treat the content, write and publish quality content, etc …

Why is all true as simple internet is designed by its users as preferential access to information, now more than any other medium. I am hardly able to meet the contingency, my information needs through other media such as radio or the newspapers television, or if we succeed, it will be a casual. But with this web interactive process even before cognitive, is possible at any moment. This means that, since there are no barriers online, but only several languages or cultures, the Web is structured now as a huge container of information.

The quality content can play a decisive role for users who log on daily to search engines, looking for information useful to them. Now we focus on corporate press release optimization which is mainly a set of strategies and actions for the distribution of content, and the visibility that it may receive.

Write quality content on the web

Some think when the statement write quality content feel that it is necessary to have some kind of communication or organizational skill to be able to act as a character and disseminate information on the web. Things are not quite the case, which is why I would suggest a correct key reading of that sentence, which more than anything else is responsible for the content attractiveness, but also on its quality. For content quality personally want a comprehensive document, covering a good portion of information, in sufficient depth, which is useful to someone. For example the distribution of online tutorial in addition to many other examples that could be done. The tutorials are guides that are easily and spontaneously visibility due to the fact that many internet users seeking precisely that kind of collected information.

Distribution of content online

Whoever contributes to the production of useful and free, is awarded by the spread of contributions, and a resulting vision that draws from that, as the most classic of linking. There are several sites where you can, upon registration, include items you want to highlight because of quality. In truth, however, these sites are press release foreigners, therefore difficult to convey content. That is why we decided to open (this RSS feeds), a site of press release, where you can publish free articles and contents in general, with a simple registration.

Once registered, you can proceed to submit your articles, which will be screened by people in flesh and bones, and if deemed appropriate, will be published online. Once the item is’ live ‘, will be taken and redistributed online, as provided by prweb features that reads precisely:

All PRWeb news releases deliver online visibility. There are four levels of news releases that contain progressively increasing degrees of distribution, display features, SEO and social media functionality, and reporting capabilities. Please refer to the comparison chart below to find the package that best meets your needs and goals.” From

This ensures that the author can get the most visibility whenever the article will be republished on other websites. If the author frequently produces good-quality content, this will help make it popular on the network through a process of viral syndication.

Why choose corporate press release

The press release strategy produces some advantages for authors and producers of content, I try to summarize below:

* Increase in visibility
* Link Popularity
* Cost effective
* Ease of use
* Speed
* Quick redistribution

In terms of webmaster or blogger who wants to use those contents, the advantages are many:

– Variety of content
– Originality of content
– Quality for its visitors
– Ease of distribution through RSS
– Rapid republication on its website / blog

Finally we have the end user, who may obtain and investigate the information you want.

Press releases on

Among the various categories on, is a dedicated online news releases, to offer businesses a further channel through which to convey their releases. Obviously in this case, the publication of press releases is totally free. Editorial Guidelines

Like any site marketing article worthy of respect, even on present guidelines on the drafting of articles that carryover below:

1. The article must be written by you, of your fist. If you are sending an article on behalf of third parties, please refer to the author original. We do not accept articles copied or bought by others.

2. The article may not contain links to affiliate programs.

3. The article should be informative. Log in as authoritative in a sector include tips, tricks, techniques, analysis, opinions, case studies.

4. Articles should not be overly promotional, advertising except press releases.

5. Articles must be written in English correct. Checks for various kinds of errors before sending it.

6. Respects these simple rules on punctuation: first of punctuation marks not include spaces; enter a space after each punctuation mark.

7. Articles may not contain pornographic material, and must (of course) to comply with the law. In general, the articles must not undermine the dignity and morale of others.

8. Do not send the same article, although slightly modified several times.

From today there is a network in more excuse to write and publish articles for free. It’s called and is also waiting for your contribution quality.

Blogging article content optimization tips

After having visited and read few websites and blogs in the past few month I have started to get a different concept which, although already mentioned several times, I see that some website administrators of even fortune 500 companies and small business site webmasters have such a hard time to implement changes on their websites. I refer to the content, how to present it, to publish online once enrolled, and clearly the quality of it.

So, going with order, beginning with the phase of integration. Once you’ve done inclusion, there remains that include the article. Well. This phase appears to be critical for many, because not infrequently say almost every day I happen to see formatting of the text to say the least absurd, all text aligned to the center instead of left, huge font, dozens of links that pointing to the same site. So a little tip: instead of copying directly from Word and paste on Columnist, the first paste your text into a txt file (Notepad, UltraEdit and the like are fine). Copy it again from txt file and paste it into our CMS. Or as an alternative, write directly in the article of CMS. Once you have done one of two steps, you can proceed to put links, bold, italic and send it for approval.

Steps are trivial for most of us, but obviously are not for everyone. So we wanted to help you and to save time, is that you.

Continue. The article marketing strategy of spreading work, if you want so be it. It seems almost a pun, but it is not. If you want your articles to be taken by others, linked, posted on other sites you have to be the first to ensure its content. Write an article by means providing quality information, detailed, in-depth about the law.

Excessive brevity. As could be expected, some of you interpret the article marketing as an excuse based purely on the link to your site, at the expense of content. Now, done with moderation, logic, there are problems, but certainly does not go well that asks for the inclusion of items of 10 lines that do not offer any added value to those who then law. They have even added value to you, because no one in ripublishing the sort of cheap items.

So until now we have been quite tolerant, but the music hour changes. All articles too short, useless, from low profile, which does not offer any kind of depth, all those that you first not to include on any site, which are just full of links to the same site (and who has such a behavior knows what I mean) are simply rejected. I do not even offer the motivation, because you already evident.

For those who have difficulty judging their editorial work, we point out the articles example, on Columnist, what is of considerable quality, both in terms of content and length.

Press release submission tactics Boston

A couple of days ago I was reading a forum and I come across an interesting topic that concerns me closely. To summarize the user showed the benefits of dissemination of press releases through various channels specific online, confirming an actual increase in visits in this case, the link is king. The question was entirely plausible as the “matter”: the inclusion of the communication on path of press releases online, being resumed and republished in dozens of sites affiliated, was yes in a few hours re-published in a number links in the exponential growth receiving high profile but remained, talking about content the same.

We have spoken and they all know the effects or rather, we should all know. But this problem for those who follow the online press offices there. What to do? The answer is relatively simple and tested on my skin for at least 2 and half years. Each reported that prepares prepare, of course, the official version and at least 3 versions look like. In these, some term change in the title leaving unchanged the basic idea. As for the text make the same process amends a more massive and selected terms focusing on those that have many synonyms, but in a way that does not go to alter the basic meaning.

The work and meticulous more refined than the office line but is the only way I know and I felt if there are others, of course, welcome can not be penalized by engines numerous pages containing press release. Personally, since I adopted this trick I have never been penalized and even remember some eight months ago results of the first page of the SERP of a client looking for the name brand were occupied by press release.

The area where instead I’m working, including through special readings and dedicated, is the most proper method to ensure that the results perjuring initial release in time, and that the results will set the SERP without too much work for continuous optimization. I work in progress.

SEM ( PPC & SEO ) case study Boston, MA

In SEM advertising there are many courses offered that teach how to run an AdWords campaign to study the keyword research in order to have successful PPC campaign. So people often ask me what is better to learn first SEO or PPC?

In a nutshell, the two methods are equally important.

The first, aimed to have traffic data provides for the purchase of many keys, the implementation of a number of landing (usually for small groups of key theme specific), the inclusion of a system for tracking Google Analytics) and coverage of two months (possibly not in August or Christmas). Usually such a campaign, if well optimized, gives much guidance without excessive expenditure.

The second system is designed to provide information on the conversion rate of keys. The differences compared to the first landing are primarily in, that number should be higher, much more carefully, with professional graphics and inspiring confidence. Even the announcement is made with a different style than the first. The landing must have an action that we can draw in order to give the conversion rate for each key. Last difference, sometimes two months are not enough to have sufficient data to a statistical analysis seriously.

The first objection is that I do in the courses, from people who participate, is: “But with this system we have to spend the money at the expense of the budget fixed for position.” Of course, is exactly that, but what are the alternatives? Here are some: assess the traffic using the tool of the engines, click the keys on the basis of who has the industry, if there has already worked at least two or three times to go nose; groped to imagine what could type who was interested in the issue, think about what you do and believe that others would do the same.

In reality, all those who have tried know how false these systems, from whatever you have. Every now and we gillnets, but give a reasonable indication to a client, follow these methods, it is really risky. Incidentally, this is why many prefer to ask the SEO score keys, so the responsibility is his.

Compassion, because the study of the keys you learn a lot in many areas, the analysis is cheaper than you could imagine, the signs are good. Obviously because analysis is serious (sure there is no doubt in our sector) should be able to manage the campaigns. In particular we need to know how to write ads recitals and psychological aspects of marketing, we must be able to optimize the economic aspects (Quality Score, relevance, CTR), the landing should be well done (in terms of communication and Usability).

As I think, just the ability to make a good analysis of the keys is one of the strengths of a high-level SEO and even more of a Supervisor or Web Marketing Consultant. The problem is that it takes away from a budget placement, but that the analysis of the keys should have a separate budget and even be sold as a service to himself (incidentally, just so often and make the sale). Indeed, it is said that the same person who studies the keys, then must deal with the positioning of the site.

Google new quality score

Looks like Google changes to the algorithms for calculating the Quality Score, used by the AdWords system to determine prices and positions of ads on their advertising platform will really help advertisers improve their campaigns performance.

Google says that the calculation of the Quality Score will be in real time based on queries made by users. Besides this will also be taken into account all other factors such as the historical clickthrough rate(CTR) on the ads with your account and the quality of landing page, although the latter factor is what will be considered less frequently.

Google also has replaced the concept of minimum bid for the ad with the estimated price to appear on the front page. What does this mean? Certainly for keywords that have few advertisers that change in pricing policy will not lead to great revolutions. For all those advertisers who want to appear on the front page for searches on a keyword particularly competitive on price will probably be higher than before.

Great news!

Youtube Click-to-Buy feature

At last YouTube will be introducing a new feature called Click-to-Buy it possible to buy music, films and books mentioned or presented in the video.It often happens that in the comments many users request information on the song that is the soundtrack to the movie, or what film is that scene is … etc … In this way, YouTube will offer the opportunity to meet these potential transactions generating curiosity.

Currently, YouTube has begun to include links to the songs on iTunes and contents of

These links will be progressively extended to the entire archive of music videos, even if this feature is active only for U.S. users. The goal however is to extend this opportunity also to other types of content and to broaden the audience at the international level.

Google Maps improves the results business

Google Maps has made a small but substantial changes to the pages of results. Now when you conduct a search for a business, in addition to the name and address appear even a thumbnail photo for a review. This makes it possible to have more data without having to click on each result.Anyone who wants to publish a schedule for the business on its maps can use the Google Local Business Center.

Search with My Location on Windows Mobile phones

Google has introduced a new feature for research in network made from mobile phones and Windows Mobile handholds. The service is called Search with My Location and allows you to search based on local area where it is currently the user instead of using the last place you entered.

Using Gears Geolocation API, Search with My Location can identify the coordinates (in approximate) of where the user is conducting the research, some ‘as was the case with Google maps for mobile.

In this way, just type what you want to search, without necessarily indicate any geographical reference. Typing “weather”, for example, you can get weather information in the area. If you want to obtain information relating to another city is sufficient to specify its name in the search string.

To protect the privacy of Google users would like to clarify that Search with My Location does not associate the current location to any information that would identify it. Currently this service is available only in the United States and the United Kingdom and to use Just visit with your Windows Mobile phone.

Google Maps great place to advertise

It will be the recession, the weak dollar, the crisis in the world economy, so much so that Google is pushing more and more on online advertising, specifically on revenues. So here’s sponsored links that sprout everywhere even on Google Maps.
Look above: try for example to seek Hotel Rome on Google Maps and you’ll notice under the geographical map of advertising links that advise companies and services, publishers who are affiliated with Google.

Where we will end up? Google will replace the “Web Clips” Mail Gmail only with advertising and sponsored links? Take for example when we do a search for Boston limousine

Google Maps great place to advertise