Press release submission tactics Boston

A couple of days ago I was reading a forum and I come across an interesting topic that concerns me closely. To summarize the user showed the benefits of dissemination of press releases through various channels specific online, confirming an actual increase in visits in this case, the link is king. The question was entirely plausible as the “matter”: the inclusion of the communication on path of press releases online, being resumed and republished in dozens of sites affiliated, was yes in a few hours re-published in a number links in the exponential growth receiving high profile but remained, talking about content the same.

We have spoken and they all know the effects or rather, we should all know. But this problem for those who follow the online press offices there. What to do? The answer is relatively simple and tested on my skin for at least 2 and half years. Each reported that prepares prepare, of course, the official version and at least 3 versions look like. In these, some term change in the title leaving unchanged the basic idea. As for the text make the same process amends a more massive and selected terms focusing on those that have many synonyms, but in a way that does not go to alter the basic meaning.

The work and meticulous more refined than the office line but is the only way I know and I felt if there are others, of course, welcome can not be penalized by engines numerous pages containing press release. Personally, since I adopted this trick I have never been penalized and even remember some eight months ago results of the first page of the SERP of a client looking for the name brand were occupied by press release.

The area where instead I’m working, including through special readings and dedicated, is the most proper method to ensure that the results perjuring initial release in time, and that the results will set the SERP without too much work for continuous optimization. I work in progress.