Every web agency has tried to adapt to the market offering services between those relating to visibility. Although this is not always the offer is credible to convince or to the end customer. So what is missing?
Sometimes, if not often, the skills. Who takes care of graphics or programming has neither the time nor the expertise to deal with promotion of the website. At best it offers Google Adwords, optimizing summary of a few pages and link popularity. Other times lacking are the facts, the media, the importance partnerships. It is not enough that the agency web site there is a more or less long service for the promotion of the website, it is necessary to make it credible! But how? One way is there and I will explain. Promoting website with online network
It ‘a service that recently, to offer web agency and was born as spontaneously. Indeed in recent years happened to be contacted by web ies that after having created the website for their client had to ensure their promotion. We asked the simple link to be included on our portals to a more articulated support on web marketing strategies or services positioning on the search engines. Sometimes they are formed, from this initial contact and genuine partnership that proved to be mutually beneficial over time. But we see better what’s going on. We see, however, with some examples to understand the specific advantage of this collaboration. To give our partners the opportunity to improve the visibility of your site and those of its customers by posting links on relevant pages of our portals. As everyone knows (at least those who work in this sector) links pages from a target with high Page Rank as our help not only indexing, but improve placement on the search engines as well, of course, to click well profiles. But there’s more. Our role is not limited to create the only link to the website, goes far beyond. The experience gained in years and years of work allow us to provide substantial support for the realization of the pages to fit better the algorithms of search engines and in every case the web marketing strategies. All this translates into services, which if described in a form mental illness among those present at the site of a web agency, constitute an element of high value and attraction for the customer.