SEM ( PPC & SEO ) case study Boston, MA

In SEM advertising there are many courses offered that teach how to run an AdWords campaign to study the keyword research in order to have successful PPC campaign. So people often ask me what is better to learn first SEO or PPC?

In a nutshell, the two methods are equally important.

The first, aimed to have traffic data provides for the purchase of many keys, the implementation of a number of landing (usually for small groups of key theme specific), the inclusion of a system for tracking Google Analytics) and coverage of two months (possibly not in August or Christmas). Usually such a campaign, if well optimized, gives much guidance without excessive expenditure.

The second system is designed to provide information on the conversion rate of keys. The differences compared to the first landing are primarily in, that number should be higher, much more carefully, with professional graphics and inspiring confidence. Even the announcement is made with a different style than the first. The landing must have an action that we can draw in order to give the conversion rate for each key. Last difference, sometimes two months are not enough to have sufficient data to a statistical analysis seriously.

The first objection is that I do in the courses, from people who participate, is: “But with this system we have to spend the money at the expense of the budget fixed for position.” Of course, is exactly that, but what are the alternatives? Here are some: assess the traffic using the tool of the engines, click the keys on the basis of who has the industry, if there has already worked at least two or three times to go nose; groped to imagine what could type who was interested in the issue, think about what you do and believe that others would do the same.

In reality, all those who have tried know how false these systems, from whatever you have. Every now and we gillnets, but give a reasonable indication to a client, follow these methods, it is really risky. Incidentally, this is why many prefer to ask the SEO score keys, so the responsibility is his.

Compassion, because the study of the keys you learn a lot in many areas, the analysis is cheaper than you could imagine, the signs are good. Obviously because analysis is serious (sure there is no doubt in our sector) should be able to manage the campaigns. In particular we need to know how to write ads recitals and psychological aspects of marketing, we must be able to optimize the economic aspects (Quality Score, relevance, CTR), the landing should be well done (in terms of communication and Usability).

As I think, just the ability to make a good analysis of the keys is one of the strengths of a high-level SEO and even more of a Supervisor or Web Marketing Consultant. The problem is that it takes away from a budget placement, but that the analysis of the keys should have a separate budget and even be sold as a service to himself (incidentally, just so often and make the sale). Indeed, it is said that the same person who studies the keys, then must deal with the positioning of the site.