Email Newsletter Marketing Tips

Sending out newsletter and keeping your customers updated with new products is a great way to reach out by staying on their radar. However, some business overdo it by getting a little to excited and sending out a blast of emails few times a week. This is great but what this does it make you look spamish and decreases your product value. Think about this: if you send email newsletters three times a week with new hot deals or specials then people will automatically think that you are overselling them stuff they dont need. Its just a human instinct and there is no way around it. People want to value you as a merchant and you may very well offer great deals but its a delivery that may ruin it. Keep in mind that many companies do this repeatedly and people are so fed up with this type of marketing that it will just make it that easy for them to send your newsletter into the spam box. S

So whats the best frequency to send out email campaigns ?

It really depends on your industry, your target market but also on how big your company is in terms of customer base. For example if you only have 100 subscribers its tough to keep beating the dead horse. In my opinion the best thing to do is send out an email campaign no more than 4 times per month. Make it interesting with tips and issues. Its no different that a newspaper, if there is a great article people will pick up and read but if its jus the same old they will skip it.

Bottom line 
Keep short and sweet. Put yourself in their shoes and send out only stuff that you would also like to read. Again, do not over do it.

Solved: WARNING: The locate database (/var/db/locate.database) does not exist

Linux is great but at times after you update your mac it disables some key command lines which are really helpful for developers. For example today I just discovered that my locate command was either not not working or was missing after the update. I received the error below:

WARNING: The locate database (/var/db/locate.database) does not exist.

After some investigation I finally figured it out that the database had to be rebuild again so a simple command line did the trick.

Open your the type copy and paste this line of code :


This command will succefully update and rebuild your DB. Note that this might take a awhile so be patient and if you get an error like this after its finished just ignore as it will still work.

/usr/libexec/locate.updatedb: line 97: /var/db/locate.database: Permission denied

Happy locating!!!