Entries by don

How do people purchase online ?

Online users go through a decision-making process that guides them in their purchases. This process takes into account both internal and external influences of the consumer. So if you are selling shoes online there are two simple steps they take to make a decision: 1. They ask their friends by sending them a link2. They just […]

Strategic Website Marketing Plan

A website marketing plan must accomplish several objectives1. Specify the group of online customers to which your business intends to market its products.2. Key attributes of this group should be determined.3. State what marketing policies such as pricing and advertising the business will pursue.

5 Tips to Speed Up Your Website

Studies show that people will abandon your website if it does not load in at least 4 seconds. Yes, now days online users are very impatient and will move one fairly quickly to another site. Speed in my opinion is the second most important aspect after search engine optimization which gets people to your site. […]

Company Intranet Portal Development

Company intranets are the life blood for some business but having the right system is very crucial as it facilitates the communication internally. We have developed many corporate intranets for large to small businesses. What makes a great company intranet? Simple is better – having just enough features to get the job done should be […]

Unique Websites Do Bring in More Sales

Just like anything else that is unique people appreciate it more and feel comfortable making a purchase or contacting you. Be original and let visitors enjoy their experience when they are in your website. Very important.

Facebook reaches more than 750 million active users

Under Facebook advertising statistics indicates that it has over 750 milion people signed up. And 50% of these active users log on to Facebook in any given day. Average user has 130 friendsPeople spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook Now these are some great statistics for people who like to advertise on facebook. […]