Email Newsletter Marketing Tips

Sending out newsletter and keeping your customers updated with new products is a great way to reach out by staying on their radar. However, some business overdo it by getting a little to excited and sending out a blast of emails few times a week. This is great but what this does it make you look spamish and decreases your product value. Think about this: if you send email newsletters three times a week with new hot deals or specials then people will automatically think that you are overselling them stuff they dont need. Its just a human instinct and there is no way around it. People want to value you as a merchant and you may very well offer great deals but its a delivery that may ruin it. Keep in mind that many companies do this repeatedly and people are so fed up with this type of marketing that it will just make it that easy for them to send your newsletter into the spam box. S

So whats the best frequency to send out email campaigns ?

It really depends on your industry, your target market but also on how big your company is in terms of customer base. For example if you only have 100 subscribers its tough to keep beating the dead horse. In my opinion the best thing to do is send out an email campaign no more than 4 times per month. Make it interesting with tips and issues. Its no different that a newspaper, if there is a great article people will pick up and read but if its jus the same old they will skip it.

Bottom line 
Keep short and sweet. Put yourself in their shoes and send out only stuff that you would also like to read. Again, do not over do it.

Solved: WordPress Website Is Loading Very Slow – What to do?

If you ever had any issues with WordPress running very slow and people calling you to tell you they cant see your website, you may not be the only one. WordPress is a such a great frame work but its code complexity does not cooperate well with some servers.

We had a client come to us last week and asked us to analyze their WordPress based website as it was acting very slow. Our initial approach was to dig in and see the back-end first before making any changes. We did find some unnecessary plugins that were taking a tall on the load time but was not very significant however that always helps. After other tweaking and code optimization we decided to move their content, images, javascript, CSS files to content deliver network (CDN) for faster loading. And that did it, the site load decreased by 3.9 seconds. We also did some MySQL database optimization which had so many unused tables that were inserted by previous plugins even though they were un-installed the tables were still there. This happens quite a bit especially for sites that have had WordPress since the early days and the framework wasnt as advanced as it is today. If you need any help with speeding up your WordPress site please drop us a line and we will be happy to help you.