Welcome to bno app

Perfect Landing Page Template for Your Products or Apps


InAppBrowser – lets your users navigate through external websites without leaving your app.


Onsen UI – Custom Elements-Based HTML5 UI Framework, AngularJS, jQuery, Google Map Markers

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Brings all the templates needed for a business app: pages, galleries, carousels and news, the news section can be dynamic

Insta Photos

This app comes with all the front-end templates that you need to build a photo social network.

What Will You Get From bno

This app comes with all the front-end templates that you need to build a photo social network.

Marketing Icon
Engaging Landing Page

Engaging landing page that will encourage visitors to make the conversion on spot.

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Fully Responsive Layout

Design built from the ground up to ensure perfect presentation of your content

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Easy to Customize

Customization options can be used to create a unique look and feel with colors.

See All New Bno Features

Control comes with free and open-sourced icon font with over 500 icons to choose from.

Pro Support. All your problems will solved quickly with Live Chat support.


On preview page go to the Actions menu and hold on an action title to see an action sheet.

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Mobile First. Never lose your potential customer, sign them on the go.

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  • Android 4+ [Tested on Galaxy 4S]
  • Kindle Fire OS [Test on Kindle HDX]
  • Windows 8 [Tested on desktop, HP ATIV Tablet PC]
  • Windows Phone 8 [Tested on Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 1520]

Each layout can be use for a whole new idea, for example the Locations app helps you locate Banks (branches) near your location, but you can change it and make it work with another type of company or add ATM’s.

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Let's Take a Closer Look

Nearby Location With Navigation is the ultimate app to Nearby Location Application, . It is like the find you nearest place. You can draw path between current location to search location

How Does bno Id Work?

Touch Id Authentication is a Media Utility Tool App, This will help you to keep your important media files safely and securely.

  • Features Icon
    Clean and Modern Design
    Just select the category from the main table(Photos or videos or Recording or notes or Settings).
  • Features Icon
    SEO Optimized and Easy to Customize Code
    Add the files by Selecting From Phone using the button on the top right each media boxes.
  • Features Icon
    Perfect for Your Apps
    Minimum requirement for a device to install this app are: iOS 5 to ios8
iPhone Annotations

System Requirements

The Files can be shared to some of the main Social networks in their respective Box.

Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla consectetur :
  • iOS 5, iOS6, iOS 7.0.1
  • 24MB Free Storage
  • Touch ID Authentication added for Security Access.
Download the App

More About the App

Lets you locate banks (branches) near your location by using the Geolocation native plugin, it can show the whole list of branches or only the ones near you, it has 2 mode views: List View .

Meet Our Team. The passionate people who build this.

  • Team-Photo
    Jonathan Dibaggio

    Jonathan is a seasoned international business executive with extensive experience in the Asia Pacific market. Holding various General Management roles.

  • Team-Photo
    Bill McRoberts

    Bill has spent over 10 years specializing in the HR field with a diverse set of skills across functional and strategic HR areas.

  • Team-Photo
    Andrew Degostino

    He has held various senior executive roles focused around driving revenue, profit growth, developing and executing corporate strategy.

FAQ. You have questions, we have the answers

We're just an email away, and we want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly! You can always reach us via the 'We love feedback' link in the Settings tab of our iPhone app.

The latest version of the Songkick Concerts app for iPhone requires iOS7 and supports iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, and 5th generation iPod touch.

It's not possible to sync events to your calendar via our iPhone app just yet, but there's a quick workaround. Just follow the steps.

Just head to your iPhone Settings > Notification Center > find the app > turn off the option you no longer want. But remember, if you turn off notifications, it's likely you'll miss out on some epic shows in your area! .

Still have another question? Contact us and let's talk about it.

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