Using Wordpress as Your Business Website

Using WordPress as Your Business Website

Using WordPress as Your Business Website

Should your business website use WordPress?
Every so often we get asked whether to use WordPress framework as the primary content management system versus going with a different platform. WordPress is very powerful and there are many great plugins out there to make your website very dynamic. However, with being so popular(open source) there are also some disadvantages since everyone can get their hands on and view the source code. This poses a security loophole since the bad guys can exploit the vulnerabilities and hack your website in just a few minutes.

So is it safe to use is it for your business ? 
Sure, but all the security vulnerabilities  should be taken care of before going live since WordPress is  out of the box software and there are some security features that need to be enabled or disabled. Having a bullet proof WordPress website is not as easy as you have to take into consideration also your web hosting environment whether its shared or private. More on WordPress hosting here.

Most of the WordPress will get hacked at least once. Its a known fact. Ask anyone who has used WordPress for at least 5 years, they will tell you their hacking experience. Its not fun and its a pain for those who do not know php and MySQL.

So before you decide whether to use WordPress as your business website keep in mind the “security” aspect of this open source framework as it will save you a lot of time and headache.

Let us know if you have any questions about wordpress